Felicia – Live the Life You Love

Four Steps to Activating Your Abundance

Good news: you get to choose what kind of life you are going to live!

Some people live ninety years; some people live one year ninety times. You can live a life pushed by discontent and unsettledness, or you can live a life overflowing with abundance.

What kind of life are you willing to live?

Step 1: Ask yourself whether you are willing to live in abundance.

There are two houses, one with electricity and one without. The wires are available to them both, but only those in the lit house have figured out how to hook themselves up. Those in the lit house are not “lucky.” They are simply plugged into the laws of electricity.

In the same way, people who achieve success in life are not lucky. Well-being and a sense of full aliveness are not accidental. Everything works according to law.

The people who live in an ever-improving state of well-being do things a certain way. They have learned the secrets of the universe’s laws, and they practice them with ever-greater skill throughout their lives.

Anyone can have abundance in life. We are supposed to have abundance. We are meant for it. The universe doesn’t hold abundance back; we hold it from ourselves.

Your first step is to ask yourself a question: Would it really be okay if the universe opened the door to you? Would it really be okay if you began to live at a much higher octave of abundance? Are you willing?

Step 2: Say Yes!

Don’t answer the question quickly. You set new things in motion just by that answer. If you say “Yes,” a really wholehearted “Yes,” new things will happen just by that “Yes!” If your answer is, “What does that mean?” or “What do I have to give up?” or “What new things will come into my life?” then you are hesitant. You are not able to manage a broader level of experience because you are not willing.

But if you say “I really want to live in harmony, I really want to live in the abundance of the Universe,” then your life will begin to grow in abundance.

Step 3: Grasp your “Set Point.”

Somewhere in your belief system, you have a set point for how much abundance you belief you can have. If you want to know what your set point is, look at your life. We create the lives we believe we ought to have: a certain amount of love, a certain amount of money, a certain amount of happiness. These beliefs may not be conscious, but they are still there, controlling our level of abundance.

Of course, sometimes something extraordinary overcomes our set point. We might get an inheritance, or someone could take us out to dinner. Surprising, wonderful things can come into our lives, but unless we have built a consciousness that can hold the experience and make it ours, we will find some way to get rid of it.

Over 90% of lottery winners return to their original incomes within three years of winning the lottery—even those who win millions and millions of dollars. Somehow they spend money, give money away, buy things that lose value, until they have no winnings left, and they have returned to their set point.

To really win the lottery, you have to build a consciousness that attracts and accepts and stabilizes abundance.

There is no set point in the Universe. The set point is marked according to our own thinking. Pay attention to your set point and how it plays out in relationships, finances, and the freedom and flow with which you move through the material world.

Allow subconscious beliefs and attitudes to surface so you can look at them and decide whether they are true or just an old belief that needs to be replaced.

Step 4: Pour clean water in a muddy bucket.

If you have a bucket with muddy water in the bottom, you don’t have to get the mud out. You just need to pour in clear water. As you begin the process of activating abundance, you will begin to learn the beliefs you hold that say “No.”

For example, maybe you have a subconscious belief that there’s something more spiritual or pious in poverty than in wealth. It doesn’t matter where this belief comes from.

You don’t need to understand the roots of your beliefs, and you don’t have to dig them out. Just focus on your “Yes!” Pour in the clear water, and eventually every limitation will be gone.

P.S. Want support in discovering and building your dreams?

In between my coaching and speaking schedule, I carve out a few strategy sessions each month. If you would like a complimentary strategy session (Value = $250), simply contact me here.


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